Sunday, November 24, 2013

sand shoes & dickie bow

Notice I didn't post it until everyone's seen it?



It shows respect :P

DISCLAIMER: If you haven't seen the latest 50th anniversary special of Doctor Who and intend to watch it. Don't read any further!

So here is my review of the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special.

According to Wikipedia there was an immediate cascade of positive responses and the rest of the world seems to be applauding at the latest episode's genius...

...Not in my case.

I guess at my small get together that comprised of a Doctor Who-noob, a part-time fan, a slightly more enthusiastic part-time fan (yours truly) and a fully qualified curator of all things wibbly-wobbly and timey-wimey, there was one unanimous response: shock.

And it's taken me a while to break down that shock into words and here they are:

The bad

So my friend (who absolutely loved the episode) texted me asking me what I thought were the low points. 

Haha she really shouldn't have done that.

Here were my responses:

The zygons just forget they're a zygon? Hm. I feel like Moffat at that point panicked about having enough time to solve the Time War problem so he just pushed the issue of the zygons aside and left it hanging. 
What happened to the rest of them? How about the ones that are not in the room? 
This is something we never find out. 

Apologies for the grammatical errors but that text pretty much explains how I feel about the decision to change the ending of the Time War. 

Oh Clara Oswald. What you've gone through.

You were introduced as this dynamic badass that used her computing skills to save the Doctor and his companions and blow up a whole planet owned by the Daleks.
And then you just lost your magic...

I can't blame you. Bad writers and bad episodes did that to you but in this episode, you were merely the companion and occasionally a plot device. 
You aren't really a character anymore. 

The alright

There were some things which I thought were a bit of a mix of good and bad:

The good

But just like my feelings for the Les Miserables movie, I felt the good points really skyrocketed.
Here they are:

AND of course...the Doctor himself.

Or should I say the Doctors...

I love the comparisons of the three: the warrior, the one that regrets and the one that forgets. It truly gives the idea that the three represent the same person but at different stages in his life and the interaction of the three is a big ball of chaotic, catastrophic, dynamic, symphonic, schizophrenic hilarity. Definitely the high point of the show. 

And there you have it. Quite simply put: I have mixed feelings that lean closer to the positive side so it's a 3.5/5 from me!


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